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Join forces with SwiftPet and help us build the ultimate platform for vets and pet owners



Your feedback will directly shape SwiftPet. Beta partners get early access, exclusive input opportunities, and help make a real difference.

Our Mission

The pet care industry in the UK is ripe for disruption. Existing systems often prioritise rigid processes over the evolving needs of both pet owners and veterinary professionals. We envision a future where technology empowers pet owners and streamlines the efforts of those dedicated to animal care.

Our commitment is to develop intuitive software in close collaboration with vets and pet owners. This partnership approach allows us to tackle the systemic pain points that others fail to address:

  • Frustrations with Online Bookings: Current online booking systems frequently exacerbate scheduling issues, with limited availability and a lack of flexibility driving pet owners back to tedious phone calls.

  • Restricted Choice: Pet owners often feel locked into a single veterinary practice due to the complexities of transferring records. This hinders timely access to care, especially in emergencies or when seeking specialised services.

  • Disorganised Pet Records: Pet owners struggle to maintain well-organised, easily accessible health records for their furry companions. This lack of centralisation can lead to fragmented care and missed critical information.

  • Limited Telehealth Options: While telehealth is gaining traction, many pet owners lack access to convenient virtual consultations, leading to unnecessary in-person visits.

  • 60% of pet owners experience difficulties booking appointments online, resorting to phone calls that prolong the process.

  • 70% of pet owners feel limited to their current vet due to the hassle of transferring records, potentially delaying essential care.

  • 85% of pet owners lack a comprehensive and easily accessible system for organising their pets' medical history.

  • 55% of pet owners would utilise telehealth options for routine checkups and non-urgent consultations if easily available.

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